

Vintage Glory

Mastering the sound and feel of a musical era without becoming redundant can be a challenge, but Lovers Touch of Toronto has mastered the task with the release of their two most recent singles.  In the middle of their cross-Canada tour, just ahead of the release of their EP How Does It Make You Feel?, Lovers Touch took the time to answer a few questions over the information superhighway before they hit The Handsome Daughter on August 8.  


Youth in Revolt

Years ago, being young and talented was more than enough to pave a road to eternal happiness, wealth and good health. But alas, the world has changed and youth today are faced with more ruin than remedy.

Pulling inspiration from this destruction, UK’s itoldyouiwouldeatyou presents a musical repertoire full of gripping poetry atop opposing playful beats, creating a moving blend of indie-pop, punk, and emo.

ITYIWEY vocalist, Joey Ashworth, takes us through how they perfectly encapsulated the hopelessness-riddled angst that plagues youth today in their new EP, Get Terrified (April 20).