Electronic post-rock outfit http.attys has released their debut single “escapism” with Sound, Phrase & Fury, mixing the talents and expertise of several established local musicians.
http.attys is the creation of Brandon Dover, formerly of p o u t and JayWood, and an impressive first step back into the Winnipeg music scene. “escapism” combines the smooth vocals of local indie rock musician Sam Singer with Christian Ilagan’s saxophone for an enchanting, hypnotic effect; Dover tackles the rest, covering keys, synths, drum programming and production with mastering and additional production by Matt Hogue.
“I was on the cusp of dropping out of music. This track prevented that,” Dover says.
“escapism” is also available on Bandcamp. Keep an ear out for future works by http.attys.

Nov/Dec 2019
Featuring interviews with Veritah and soma, and our artist picks for Nov/Dec
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