Olivia Mayes lives and breathes music.
The founder/owner of Wolfsbane Music Co. – management label, music site and promotion company – started her career as a YouTube star showcasing bands from her hometown of Indianapolis. Since then, she’s tackled every aspect of music management: from running shows, booking, advising to promoting and creating full marketing plans for her bands.
Olivia spoke with us about her start in music, and her ever-growing passion and enthusiasm for helping independent bands.
JA: You’ve already had quite the career in music. Take me back to the beginning – how did you first get involved?
OM: When I was 15 my father and I were talking about what I wanted to do about my new found love for YouTube. I expressed interest in wanting to meet people like writers and actors. He told me about press-passes and how to obtain one. I spent about six months writing emails and learning about how to do that. All that time, my older sister, Aubrey, who is an Indianapolis music scene alumni kid, kept telling me I should talk to this certain music venue and listen to certain bands. I ignored her for about six months. One day, with no YouTube channel, no resume, no credentials at all, I got my first ‘yes’ from the American Idiot Musical that was touring the fall of 2012. That was almost a year after I first started looking and I got to interview the very first person under LivMayesTv (the name I chose on the fly for my YouTube channel) on my 16th birthday. There were several months between when I got accepted to interview and review that musical. During that time Aubrey showed me a couple bands and I fell down the rabbit hole of local music. I remember finding ForeverAtLast, Full Monte, and The Day After the first time I searched for locals on ReverbNation. I also found a band that convinced me to go to my first local show which was in a tattoo shop and scared the crap out of the 15-year-old me! It was “scary” then seeing a band with a screamer in a tattoo shop. Now I would kill to go to that show again! (laughs).
JA: So you kind of always knew you wanted to do something in the arts by the way of promotions?
OM: Oh yes! I always knew I wanted to do something that wasn’t “normal.” Ever since I was little I thought of different ways I could live the life I wanted while not having a “day job.” Some people love their desk job, but it is not for me. I was inspired by a vlogger on YouTube, Charles Trippy. His confidence and words of wisdom inspired me to think about what I wanted to do with my life. When I found it, I went after it and didn’t think twice. I just knew I had to chase that dream. I just had to modify my plans as I went. I have always loved drawing, painting, writing and playing music, but never felt passionate about something until I became a fan of local music and truly saw that world I never knew existed.
JA: Well it seems like you’ve already done so much of that! Correct me if I’m wrong, but your always growing list of things: started with Liv Mayes TV, you’ve worked at your local venue the Hoosier Dome, booking your own shows in Indy, working with MSMFest and now Wolfsbane Music Co.?
OM: Yes! I started with Liv Mayes TV, and became a show runner for the Hoosier Dome and spent a couple years really learning about the music community and building my career and experience there. Earlier this winter, I left the Hoosier Dome, because I wanted to try new things, work new places, and see what else this city had to offer. I currently primarily book at the Irving Theater now, which is a music venue in Indianapolis. I have worked with MSMFest for 2 summers now and have stepped higher and am helping book it this year. I started Wolfsbane Music Co. to give myself a new start.
I was maturing and LivMayesTV just didn’t feel right anymore. I expanded my company and relocated websites. Wolfsbane Music Co. is the name of my management label, music site and promotion company. Along the way I have learned photography, graphic design, band and tour managing and have been able to add all of those to my resume.
JA: So tell me more about Wolfsbane Music Co. What sort of things do you offer artists and how do people get involved or be apart of your roster?
OM: Well, I have several branches of my company. My website where I feature music news, bands of all popularities, genres and exclusive content, like music videos and new songs. That is done with the help of a few people who write articles and help keep it active. Any band can go to the website and find me on the team page, submit their band to be featured and I will get back to them for an interview or get information to give them a push on the site. We strive to make the “local” music not so “local” anymore.
I manage all the bands under my label. That is my “day job” and where I work the most. For all my bands, I offer graphic design work, photography, my collection of contacts, booking shows locally and nationally, everything you can really imagine from a manager including music feedback and social media marketing. I even make a couple bands practice in a show setting so I can tell them what I think they should do differently. I really push my bands to be the best they can be. They are my babies, and best friends. These bands I have put my heart and soul into, and I constantly work to make them bigger and better.
I have always loved drawing, painting,
writing and playing music, but never felt passionate about something until I became a fan of local music and truly saw that world I never knew existed.
I have managed Freshman Year and Exit 52 for a little over a year now, and they have become family with each other and myself. We all usually hang out when we’re not working. They all call me Mom (laughs). Promoting has been a big part of Wolfsbane, and I wasn’t expecting that.
I was asked to be the advisor for the Irving Theater, and started being asked to book shows. Now I book shows 3 to 4 times a month and bring bands of all kinds to the venue. I adore working with so many genres. From folk and acoustic, to pop punk and metalcore. Anyone can contact me at wolfsbanemusicco@gmail.com or through my website or Facebook to inquire about being booked.
JA: Oh that’s so cool! So you’re basically a Jane-of-All-Trades! So what’s next for you and your bands in the upcoming months?
OM: Thank you! Several bands are currently writing and recording new music and we are working on new albums. This is THEIR summer. They have a lot coming up and we all are going to work hard to make this summer great for all my bands! I am working with MSMFest quite a bit and am really looking forward to that. But I just plan on booking all that I can, traveling to see more shows, and growing to be the best I can be for myself and everyone I help!
JA: Anything else you want to add?
OM: Yes, actually. This has been a 5 and a half-year journey and there is absolutely no way I could have done it on my own. Sometimes I have had to, but not for a long. I have met so many in this community and found a family that I wouldn’t have had without them. I have the love of my parents and sisters, but I never had something like I do with this community. For years I have struggled with my depression and anxiety to an intense level, even to this day, but I have so many people I can call or text when I am in need. I have met them all through this music scene. I even met my boyfriend thought the music community. I have had a lot of suicidal thoughts, but I have always had someone to tell me I am worth it, whether that is by listening to a song or getting a phone call. These people have made it so easy to be myself, and before I met them I didn’t know who I was. Especially Freshman Year and Exit 52, I have had many moments of uncertainty about myself, but they always pull me up and inspire me to work harder and be the best I can be. This is my life. It has been rough at times, but I would do it all over again. I wouldn’t trade it for anything. I know a lot of people make comments like that, but I have never had the opportunity to express my true and raw feelings I have about the community and I really want to share that with everyone.
Like Wolfsbane Music Co. at Facebook.com/WolfsbaneMusicCo. Check out Wolfsbaneco.com and hear new music from independent artists from all over. Get in contact with Olivia and her team through wolfsbanemusicco@gmail.com

Nov/Dec 2019
Featuring interviews with Veritah and soma, and our artist picks for Nov/Dec
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